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Personal Finance 2 Maximise Life
My Story

Dreams of a HOMELESS Teenager with Average Talent
We all have Money Thoughts, whether we care to admit it or not. This blog is all about sharing ideas and thoughts about money as a tool to optimise life. Conventional wisdom is to trade time for money but there is no escaping the fact that time, for most of us is limited to about 100 years – if we are lucky.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to do what we enjoy doing or what fulfils us (whatever that is) and not need to worry about money? I don’t claim to have all the answers – but would like to share ideas, which after filtering through your value system, I hope will have a positive impact on your Money Thoughts.
This is the information age and therefore much of the information presented in this blog is readily available by googling. However, what I’ll be trying to do is contextualise the information into IDEAS, which when backed with Consistent ACTION are likely to yield desired results.
My personal finance journey started at 18, when I was made homeless. I remember it like yesterday – after much crying and emotional distress, I made two promises to myself
I was going to ‘make it‘ by any LEGAL means necessary and would study for 10 degrees if that’s what it took
I was not going to rely on anyone but MYSELF and would hold myself ACCOUNTABLE.
By my early 20s, I’d stumbled across the dream of financial independence (Thank you Kiyosaki and Lechter) and began to look beyond acquiring degrees or getting a good job. I lived frugally and had great friends who accepted me just as I was. Having saved aggressively, I started investing in property while still studying for my first degree in Pharmacy.
Over the next decade, I developed my ‘money thoughts’ muscle and expanded to other areas of personal finance.
In the end, I stopped at 3 Masters degrees: a Pharmacy degree from UCL; a business degree (MBA) from Lancaster University for which I attained a distinction and a health economics degree from the London School of Economics.
The degrees have definitely helped me to find a rewarding career in Pharmaceutical Consulting that has the right balance of intellectual stimulation, financial reward and the feeling that my work contributes to making patients’ lives better. However, I’ve also informally obtained what I would cheekily call a ‘FOURTH degree in the university of personal finance’, that has arguably been more transformative than any of the three formal degrees.
But…………….. I’m not all serious. I am relatively easy going, laugh a lot, dance a lot, enjoy playing with my kids. A bit of a fitness fanatic. I enjoy Afro beats music. I sincerely hope that you find the thoughts expressed in this blog useful.
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